Maternity services are one of the most rewarding health care services to be working in.
Within maternity there are further opportunities for development and diversification with your chosen career, or to consider a career change.
Here you will find information about the different roles, how you can plan to get there and who you can talk to for more information within our four maternity provider trust organisations.
News & updates
Spotlight on Breastfeeding in the North West Monday 10th July 12.30pm – 2.30pm, Teams
Jun 14, 2023
Purpose An opportunity to focus on Breastfeeding in the North West and provide information to support the development of Breastfeeding Plans....
Maternal Medicine Study Day – 26th May
Apr 27, 2023
The North West Maternal Medicine Network(MMN) & Liverpool Women's Hospital (LWH) are bringing together experts to give you the most up to date...
Lancashire and South Cumbria Reproductive Trauma Service are recruiting a CBT/EMDR Therapist
Mar 16, 2023
NHS Careers job opportunities in MaternityDo you have empathy and passion to support women experiencing birth fear, trauma, and perinatal loss? Do...