Chorley Birth Centre


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Chorley Birth Centre

Expert midwifery care is provided in calm and relaxed surroundings that have been specifically designed and equipped to support the normal physiological birth process - an ideal birthing environment for women who experience a problem-free pregnancy.

Chorley Birth Centre offers three, recently updated, en-suite birthing rooms, two of which have birthing pools. A sitting room and family room provide additional facilities for new mothers and their birth partners.

New mothers and their partners are able to stay for up to 24 hours after the birth.

You should be aware that there are no doctors based in the birth centres and should you require, or request, medical input (including epidural analgesia) at any stage of your labour, birth or postnatal stay you would be transferred to the obstetric unit in the Sharoe Green Unit. From Chorley Birth Centre any transfer would be by ambulance and take approximately 40 minutes.

More information about the birth centres can be obtained from your midwife who will be able to give you advice and support as you make decisions about how and where you would like your baby to be born.

Home Birth

Rather than coming into hospital to have your baby, many women chose to give birth at home. This option is available to women who are considered to be low-risk or have no underlying medical conditions.

You can request to have a home birth with your midwife. After the birth of your baby, care and support are provided in your home.

If you choose to have your baby at home, then the community midwifery team will be happy to support this - as long as no problems have been identified in your pregnancy. If there are additional risks which would suggest recommendation of birth in a consultant led unit, but you choose to have your baby at home, discussions can be facilitated by your named community midwife and Supervisor of midwives.

Contact Information

Chorley and South Ribble Hospital, Preston Road, Chorley PR7 1PP, UK
